This was how I found out that Izzy could open cupboards...I ran downstairs to get something out of the freezer and heard a crash. She pulled out a jar of nacho cheese and threw it at the tile. Then she played in it. How she didn't cut her hand, I'll never know.
This is the girls' favorite past time. Can you blame them though? Who would play with the toys when there's a cupboard full of diapers nearby...
Or drawers full of chopsticks, towels, and cookie cutters...
**notice how saggy the drawer didn't take them long to realize that an empty drawer makes a great place to sit...
And this is how I found out that she could reach what was on the table...
And THIS is what my typical evening looks like. I always laugh when people ask me how I do 'it all'. I think it's funny that they think I do it all. I don't. Here's proof--I'm allowing you a glimpse into what my home looks like every night. Actually, this was a tame's usually worse.
This is the mess after dinner. I admit, sometimes I leave it like this until the morning. I'm exhausted by 7:00pm...
Laundry on the couch, the babies locked in the cage, toys everywhere...and the TV on.
How fun to have this new blog! I just want to know why you have a draw full of chopsticks, cookie cutters and random towels. My bottom drawer is full of the EXACT same items. Did mom have a drawer like this?? Weird! Cute pictures and stories!